Beiträge von richident

    Thanks guys,

    I am going to see if there is enough snow there for snowkiting now then I can check out the spot for kitesurfing later


    Hi All,

    I am now living in Zurich and was wondering where the best / closest places to kitesurf are.

    I was at flumserberg yesterday and wallensee looks like a good location but does it get windy there ?

    Any infos much appreciated,


    M :lol:

    Hello All,

    I am moving to Zurich in October.
    I am assuming this will be too cold to kitesurf ?

    Or is it still possible to kitesurf in Italy through October ?




    Hi All,

    I am thinking of taking a new job in zurich. I have had a look on the net and found a couple of places that look good for kiting - mainly silvaplana

    is it also easy to go to italy for the weekend for kiting ?

    is there anywhere nearer zurich for kitesurfing ?

